Traducir Subject Verb Agreement

Other words may appear between the subject and the verb in a sentence. To identify the subject of a sentence, look for who or what performs the action, not just the word closest to the verb. Subjects and verbs must agree with another in number. The form of the verb varies depending on whether the subject is singular or plural. If the subject and verb match, first find the subject and decide whether it is singular or plural. Exception: The addition of “s” to the verb depending on whether the subject is singular or plural does not work with the verb forms “to be”: “is”, “am”, “are”, “were”, “were”, “were”, “to”, “to”, “to”, “to”, “to”, “to”, “have”, “have”, “have”, “have”, “have”. Recording tip: If the subject is singular, usually add an “s” to the verb, unless the subject is “I” or “you”. If the subject is plural, do not add an “s” (verbs with singular subjects end with “s”). Verbs with plural subjects do not end in “s”) Here are some common problems with subject conformity: If two or more subjects or composite subjects are connected by “and”, use the plural form of the verb. To check the form of the verb, replace the subjects with “them”. Resultados: 5219. Exactos: 0. Tiempo de respuesta: 572 ms.

. Expresiones cortas frecuentes: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Más “sister” is the person who performs the action of playing. “Plays” is the action performed. .