Basic Agreement Dansk

Basic Agreement Dansk: Understanding the Importance of Subject-Verb Agreement in Danish Language

When writing in Danish, it is essential to understand the basics of subject-verb agreement. The agreement between the subject and verb is crucial in establishing the clarity and coherence of your sentence. Even small errors in subject-verb agreement can lead to misunderstandings and confusion among readers. Therefore, it is vital to master the fundamentals of basic agreement dansk.

Subject-Verb Agreement in Danish Grammar

In Danish, the subject-verb agreement is essential as it helps in expressing and conveying meaning more precisely. The agreement involves matching the number and person of the subject and verb in a sentence. The basic rule of subject-verb agreement is that a singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb in Danish grammar.

For example:

Singular verb: Hun går til skolen hver dag. (She goes to school every day)

Plural verb: De går til skolen hver dag. (They go to school every day)

In the above examples, when the subject is singular, the verb ending is –r, but when the subject is plural, the verb ending is –r as well.

Exceptions to the Rule

However, there are specific exceptions to the rule of subject-verb agreement in Danish. Here are some of them:

1. When the subject is a pronoun, the verb ending may change. For example, when using the pronoun I (jeg) with a verb, the verb ending changes to -er, as in the following sentence:

Jeg elsker at læse bøger. (I love to read books)

2. In some cases, the verb takes the singular form even when the subject is plural. For example:

Familien spiser aftensmad. (The family eats dinner)

Here, the family is a plural subject, but the verb ‘spiser’ (to eat) is in the singular form.

3. When using a collective noun to refer to a group of people, the verb ending can either be singular or plural. For example:

Holdet træner i aften. (The team is training tonight)

Holdet træner i aften. (The team are training tonight)

In the above examples, both forms are correct.


In conclusion, basic agreement dansk is essential in Danish language grammar, as it helps to maintain clarity and coherence in writing. While these rules might seem complicated at first, practicing them diligently will eventually make them second nature. By mastering the fundamental principles of subject-verb agreement, you can improve the overall readability and flow of your Danish writing, making it more effective and engaging for your readers.

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