Un Transfer Agreement

(5) In the first part of the 22nd Session (January and March 1961: COORDINATION/R.351, paragraphs 51 to 56), ICAO stressed the benefits and the need to increase staff transfers. It was not compatible with the concept of a single service for entirely new programmes and new organizations to be staffed without all organizations being informed of staffing requirements. The United Nations has indicated that it has difficulties in implementing the 1949 Transfer Agreement, which may need to be revised. In response to a tabulation question, the CCAQ noted that the “common opinion” was that the transfer of a public servant from one organization to another should only take place through official (personnel) channels. An organization wishing to recruit a staff member from another organization should contact the staff office of that organization before enlisting; A staff member interested in a transfer must inform his or her own personnel office. The Committee agreed that, for political reasons, no organization would object to a possibility of promotion or transfer on compassionate grounds. In general, the “dismissed” pension plan calculates the present value of the transferring employee`s acquired pension entitlements. The “receiving” plan calculates the duration of the pensionable service credit granted after receipt of the transfer payment on the basis of its actuarial assumptions made for that purpose. (10) A working group examined the revision of the transfer agreement in January 1970 but did not reach definitive conclusions in the light of differences of opinion on a fundamental issue (see CCAQ/P.31/R.2, paragraphs 52 to 66), namely whether a host organisation should have the right to dismiss a seconded staff member before the end of the agreed period of secondment. At its 31st session (March 1970: COORDINATION/R.798, para.

46-49) The CCAQ agreed that (a) detachments should be held for a certain period of time, generally no more than two years, although they may be extended by agreement between all parties involved; (b) during the period of secondment, the contractual relationship between the official and the exemption body should be suspended; and (c) the contractual relationship between the staff member and the receiving body should be that of a staff member on a fixed-term contract, unless the agreement provides otherwise. In accordance with these principles, the host organization would not have the right to prematurely return the staff member to the releasing organization, unless, of course, the latter consented to it; She is entitled to terminate the `fixed-term contract` between her and the seconded official. In such a case, the final services would be paid for by the host organization (if there had not also been termination by the releasing organization). However, these are not calculated on the basis of total seniority in the two organisations, but only on the basis of the period of service under the `fixed-term contract`. Such termination would not have the effect of terminating the (suspended) contract between the official and the discharge body. The latter could, of course, decide for himself that the circumstances of the dismissal by the host organisation also justified termination of the contract with the releasing body; However, in the absence of a dismissal measure by the discharge agency, the official retained his right to resume his employment in the discharge agency on the date initially agreed for the end of the secondment. The CCAQ agreed that the position should be clearly indicated to any public servant considered for secondment, particularly those with a permanent appointment in the releasing organization. A text of the comprehensive agreement based on the above-mentioned principles would be circulated by the CCAQ Secretariat and reviewed later in the year. L.1 A participant in the Fund may avail himself of the provisions of an agreement concluded by the Fund to ensure the continuity of pension rights under Article 13 of the Statute of the Fund in accordance with the provisions of the relevant agreement.

Pension transfer agreements are partly designed to facilitate the transfer of employees between employers who are not the member organisations of the pension fund by ensuring the continuity of their pension rights. No, you must withdraw from service before requesting the transfer of your pension rights. The transfer of pension rights acquired at the end of a leave without payment is subject to the provisions of the applicable transfer agreement and can only take place after the end of your LWOP. (7) At its 24th session (March 1963: COORDINATION/R.430, paragraphs 69 to 71), the CCAQ approved the final text of the new transfer agreement in accordance with paragraph 6 above. The test is contained in Annex G, COORDINATION/R.430. It contains, inter alia, revised definitions of the terms “transfer”, “loan” and “secondment”. The agreement was normally to enter into force on 1 January 1964, but two organizations could apply it from an earlier date. The Committee also agreed that, if a staff member is separated from one organization and reinstated by another organization within twelve months, any entitlements that the staff member may have as a result of repatriation grant or service or leave accrued in the event of separation from the second organization should be adjusted so that the total payments for the two separations do not exceed the amount of: who would have been paid if his service had been continuous. ACC announced its approval of the new transfer agreement in its 28th report to ECOSOC (E/3765, para.

200). In the case of transfers to the UNSPFC, the transfer value transferred would result in the recording of additional pensionable service credits in the UNSC, the duration of which would be determined by an actuarial calculation by the UNSF Advisory Actuary. The Governing Board may, subject to the approval of the General Assembly, approve agreements with member States of a member organization and with intergovernmental organizations to ensure continuity of pension rights between the Governments of such States or organizations and the Fund. (c) Admission to the Fund shall be effected by resolution of the General Assembly on the express recommendation of the Board of Trustees after the adoption of these Rules by the competent organization and the agreement with the Board of Trustees on the conditions governing its admission. (9) At its 27th session (March 1966: COORDINATION/R.532, paragraphs 71 to 72), the CCAQ reviewed the experience of transfers since 1963 and agreed on a procedure and timetable for the revision of the Memorandum of Understanding. Following additional work imposed by ICSAB on the ccAQ, the schedule was then extended until 1968. In the case of transfers from the UNSC to a “receiving” scheme, the transfer payment is determined as the greater part of the actuarial value of the accumulated pension rights of the UNSC or the payment scheme due under Article 31 of the provisions of the UNSUI. No, because often a changing employee would receive far fewer pensionable service credits than they accumulated under the “sending” plan. The decision whether or not to transfer depends on the combined benefits you expect from the “receiving” plan if you eventually separate from that organization instead of taking advantage of the “sending” plan and then obtaining a separate benefit from the “receiving” plan. (8) At its 25th session (April 1964: COORDINATION/R.451, para. 97), the CCAQ noted that the wording of the rules and regulations of certain organizations could complicate the full application of certain parts of the 1963 Transfer Agreement.

However, all organizations would adhere as much as possible to the terms of the agreement, which for the time being would be considered a memorandum of understanding. The text with an appropriate introductory paragraph would be made available to staff interested in a transfer. The organizations reported on their experiences with the operation of the agreements in 1966. The Model Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a model contract that sets out the conditions that ensure that the relevant provisions of the International Treaty are respected in the transfer of plant genetic material incorporated into the multilateral system of the International Treaty. .