We Got Agreement

As a copy editor with experience in SEO, it`s important to understand the potential pitfalls of using the phrase “we got agreement” in your content.

At first glance, “we got agreement” may seem like a harmless expression of teamwork and consensus-building. However, from an SEO perspective, the phrase can actually be detrimental to your website`s search rankings.

The problem with “we got agreement” is that it`s a common grammatical error. The correct phrasing is actually “we reached an agreement” or “we came to an agreement.” By using the incorrect phrasing, you`re signaling to search engines that your content may not be of high quality or trustworthy.

Google`s algorithm is designed to prioritize content that is well-written, grammatically correct, and easy to understand. By using incorrect phrasing, you`re signaling to Google that your content may not meet these criteria. As a result, your website may be penalized in search rankings.

To avoid this, it`s important to proofread your content carefully and ensure that all grammar and phrasing is correct. You can also use SEO tools like Yoast to analyze your content and identify potential issues.

In conclusion, “we got agreement” may seem like a harmless expression, but it can actually be detrimental to your website`s search rankings. As a copy editor with experience in SEO, it`s important to pay close attention to grammar and phrasing in your content to ensure that it meets Google`s quality criteria. By doing so, you`ll increase the likelihood of your website ranking well in search results and driving traffic to your site.