Work Assignments 101

Graphics coming soon.

Your work assignment can be found at the bottom of the Attendee List of each event.
If you see an assignment you’d like in the future, make sure to indicate it on your pre-registration form and we’ll do our best to honor your request.

– Check drivers for checkered wristbands, helmet, seat belt, tech sticker and shoes (if you can)
– Stage each car consistently! Line up the nose of the car with the green start cones.
– Know when to send the second car… check with the Chiefs if you have any questions.
– Do not trip the start/finish timing lights at the same time; this will cancel out one of the signals (starting too close to when the last car finishes).
– Do not run through the starting light when going to pick up cones/address track issues.

Timing & Scoring
– Your job is to input times in the AXWare computer system & monitor the timing system.
– Chief of T/S will train you on the computer system (how to select a driver, input times/penalties).
– Ensure the Timing window is open to record raw times & “EYES” are ON.
– You must watch the timer for malfunctions and reset/continue timer as needed.

Central Communications
– Check in workers at beginning of each heat.
– Watch cars on course and workers for safety issues… basically, ensure the course workers are doing their job correctly!
– Record all penalties on the incident sheet.  This will serve as an audit check when proofing the results.
– Repeat and confirm penalties with corner workers (how many cones at which pole).
– If the cars get reruns, mark it on the incident sheet and start a new line to record their reruns.
– Ensure the Grid Marshall is on the same page as the trailer for reruns.

– Announce unofficial raw times over P/A system, but no crude language.  We are here to have fun, yet anyone tuning in can hear our broadcast and this is a “family” event.
– Make heat announcements as necessary.
– Assist T/S and CC when possible.

– Ensure all people entering the site signs the waiver (minors need to have parent/legal guardian complete the minor waiver form).
– Only registered drivers, their immediate family members and one pit crew/vehicle are allowed to have the SCCA checkered wristband.  All other non-drivers receive the red/green wristband.
– Use the radio if there are any questions of who is allowed to enter or if Aloha Stadium personnel request permission to cross the racing area.
– For Heats 1 & 2 workers, use the radio to report arrival of pre-registered drivers to Chief of Registration (Radio set to 6-24).

– Check drivers for checkered wristbands, helmet, seat belt, tech sticker and shoes (if you can)
– Make sure drivers are ready at least 2 cars ahead and keep the start line stacked with cars… the Grid Marshall keeps the heat running quickly and on time!
– Ensure car class & numbers are properly adhered to doors.
– Ensure 2-driver vehicles have switched numbers.
– Require 5 minutes (minimum) between reruns or 2-driver vehicles… time measurement starts when the vehicle returns to the grid spot.  Each 2-driver car is timed
– Drivers with mechanical difficulty have 10 minutes from the time they are supposed to leave the start line, or will forfeit the run.  Make sure to radio CC if this happens.  Thread the affected vehicle into the line-up as soon as possible.  You can determine when the mechanical rerun will occur (just remember there must be a 5 minute break prior to leaving for the next run).

Patrol 1 (Bridge)
– You are the “guard dog” at the bridge.
– Make sure only people with the checkered wristbands enter the pit area… all red/green wristbands need to stay under the awning closer to McDonalds.
– No golf cart personnel allowed on driver side without signing the waiver. They are allowed on awning side if not crossing the race area.

Patrol 2 (Awning)
– You’re the “guard dog” at the awning.
– Make sure the non-drivers have red/green wristbands, kids are supervised and no one crosses over the yellow tape into the race area.
– NO ONE crosses the race area without first stopping the event.  If the Stadium personnel needs to do so, radio the trailer so we can halt the runs.
– Keep an eye out for fence jumpers and incoming/stopped traffic near McDonalds.  No cars should be stopped anywhere near the track.

Patrol 3 (Magnetic Roller)
– You are the “guard dog” on wheels.
– Monitor the pit and grid area with the magnetic roller and make sure everyone’s stuff is appropriately weighed down (especially tents and chairs).
– Keep an eye out for fence jumpers along the freeway side of the site (there are holes in the fence).

– You have the most important job!  Remember that half way through the event when you’re sick of standing on that corner.
– No using cells phones or umbrellas while working course… your safety is #1!

– The RED flag should be held and always ready to deploy.  If you are asked to flag a car, get in their direct line of sight and wave that flag (like there’s no tomorrow)!  When the flag is seen, the car should come to a complete stop.
– If there is a crossover, remember that the car is coming right back at you!  Wait until the car comes through before running for that down cone.

– If a car wants a re-run for the course not being set up, they will come to a complete stop and identify where the issue is (cars do not get re-runs for cones they previously knock down).
– Call in all penalties to the trailer AND make sure they confirm the penalty call… if you don’t get a confirmation, try again!

-When calling please use: Corner number, Penalty call, class/car number/color/make
– Never turn your back to the cars and always RUN for cones, don’t mosey!

– Do not run through the starting light when going to pick up cones/address track issues.
– Do you know how to identify a cone that counts as a penalty and one that doesn’t??  If you don’t, please ask!  All our members are very helpful and will be happy to explain it.

A penalty is given if:

  • If the cone is knocked over and is out of the box.
  • If the cone is knocked over and is in the box.
  • If the cone remains standing but is out of the box.

A penalty is NOT given if:

  • The cone remains standing is touching the box
  • The cone remains standing and is partially in the box.
  • And of course, if the cone remains standing within the box.

Please reference these graphics!


**Just remember our pit is as safe as we keep it.  Those who you bring in as your “pit crew” are your liability.  We are able to keep our facility secure with everyone’s combined efforts.